Communion: Ancient Church Strategy for Unity, Community, Purity
Jesus empowered the ancient church with a communion strategy designed to create supernatural unity, a loving community, and holy living in view of His return. One aspect of this strategy was the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The other was the celebration of the Supper as an actual meal: a sacred covenant meal. Because modern churches are not following this strategy, the last supper has become the lost supper.
• The early church ate the Lord’s Supper as a fellowship feast that looked both back to Jesus’ death and also forward to the wedding supper of the Lamb?
• God confers grace unto unity through the one cup and one loaf?
• The Lord’s Supper is a prayer we enact?
• The main reason the New Testament church met weekly was to eat?
• Communion is to be more of a celebration than a funeral?